This is officially the first blog post where I’ll be debuting my new short haircut. If you follow me on Instagram or facebook you probably already know I participated in a beautiful initiative “Cortando el Cancer de Seno” (Cutting Breast Cancer). Unfortunately breast cancer has stricken many close loved ones so in support of this activity and everyone suffering from breast cancer I decided to cut my hair. Yes, it was a completely spontaneous decision and honestly I was terrified because I’ve had long hair my entire life but hair does grow. My simple sacrifice does not even compare to the pain and suffering women battling with breast cancer have to face. I hope that in some way my minimal gesture gives women battling with breast cancer a bit more strength.
My drastic hair change has not been easy to get use too. Curling my hair has been a difficult task. The burns on my fingers are proof of that, so I’ve basically kept it simple and easy by just opting to maintain my hair straight. Cutting my hair was a huge decision because my hair has always been my main accessory but I’m learning to embrace this new me.
I wanted to share this cute playful look I recently wore. It’s safe to say that denim skirts are once again cool and I’m totally digging my acid washed distressed skirt. Now let’s take a moment to admire my “If I invest my time in you appreciate that” t-shirt. Ok yeah, I just wanted to let that quote sink in….moving on. I love being a girly girl and wearing high heels but nothing beats those casual simple days where I’m running around in sneakers. My leopard print sneakers are perfect for dressing down any feminine look.
By the way I have some really amazing collaborations and events coming up which I know you will really enjoy, so stay posted and follow me on all of my social media channels to keep up to date with everything.
Instragram: lovelychicasblog SnapChat: Lovely_Chicas Facebook: Lovely Chicas
Be You, Be Lovely
Charlene Gonzalez
Memories of “Cortando el Cancer de Seno” (Cutting Breast Cancer)

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