Happy birthday to me! Once again, I am blessed to celebrate another year of life. Now I welcome chapter 36 of my epic journey. Birthdays always make me reflect on life. There’s so much I can say about everything I’ve experienced and learned this past year. In my teens I use believe that in my 30s I’d have life figured out, but I don’t and I’m absolutely ok with that. I’ve come to terms with the fact that no one has life figured out. It’s about living it to the fullest and embracing everything about your story.

I used to have specific plans for my life which have turned out completely opposite from what I believed. Getting older would stress me because I felt as if I was behind from accomplishing my goals. As I got older, I truly realized that age is just a number. There is no specific timeline and things happen when they must.

Year 35 taught me to slow down and consider the things that are of real importance to me in my life. Though I have so much more to accomplish and sometimes may feel my goals are so far away I am immensely proud of myself. I’ve come a long way rising like a goddess through the challenges. Believing in myself and abilities have been my guide. Being authentic and unapologetically me will always be my inspiration. I’m embracing my new age with more wisdom, strength and passion for life. I know this new year of life will bring a lot of positive changes and blessings as I head into a new direction. I’m going into year 36 with a hopeful outlook on what this year will bring. Cheers to 36! Thank you for celebrating another trip around the sun with me!
Be Lovely, Be You
Charlene Gonzalez