If there is a decision I’ll never regret it’s creating this blog. It took me a while of indecision and battling fear to officially start my blog, but it was one of the best decisions I could have made. I started blogging almost 10 years ago. I had no idea what I was getting myself into from all the work, time and dedication it requires to the fact that it would become one of the biggest passions which I love it so much.
I can list stories about my past life which led me to create this blog…. from feeling like I didn’t have a voice, being envied and bullied, dealing with family traumas, overcoming heartbreak, wanting to break superficiality and much more.
Everything led me to create a special platform where I could share my voice and be myself with the goal to empower and inspire many. As I look back to when I began, I was a shy introverted girl, lacking confidence and full of fears. Speaking on camara or in font of large crowds terrified me. Even singing in church caused me so much stress. My extreme shyness, negative thoughts and lack of self-confidence were barriers that held me back from trying to achieve my goals. The battle I faced to publish my blog was mainly because I knew that I’d have to break free from those blocks, be vulnerable and expose who I was, so I decided to challenge myself.

Funny thing though, I thought having an online blog would be less social because it’s the internet, so I’d just create my content from behind a computer and that was all? I was so very wrong. It turned out that being a blogger required a lot of interaction. My life converted into a super social life of networking, attending events and more.
Through my journey as a blogger, I’ve had so many amazing opportunities and experiences. We can be our biggest enemy sometimes. If I would have held onto all my fears, I would have never accomplished my goals or be who I am today.
I’m not even 1% of the person I use to be. My shyness is gone, and I’ve gained so much self- confidence. Never in my dreams would I have imagined I’d accomplish what I have.

I’ve been a speaker for big events, have been interviewed on TV & radio, I’ve been nominated for various awards, featured in magazines, newspapers, and billboards. I have worked with over 100 brands; I’ve led teen conferences and have even hosted influencer events.
From being extremely shy, now I’m a very social person. To me blogging has been life changing.
I share my story because being scared and shy doesn’t get you anywhere. If you want to accomplish anything in life face your fears head on and go for it. Trust me, when you face those blockages, life leads you through an amazing journey.
Be Lovely, Be You
Charlene Gonzalez