When I made my decision to move to New York I had the clear intention of fighting harder than ever for my goals. As they say, if you make it in New York you can make it anywhere. I have accomplished great things already so I know more will come.
It feels great to be back home where I was born and raised. Though I’m not going to lie, I do miss a lot in Puerto Rico. Many have questioned my decision and even though a tiny part of me is a bit scared I don’t regret it at all. In life the only regrets you should have are the decisions you didn’t make. I never want to look back and think “what if”. Whether I triumph or fail I’m happy I took a risk. I’m single and don’t have kids, so I have to take full advantage of my freedom.

There’s so much I want to do and explore in NY. I’ve been making the most of every opportunity and meeting amazing people.
I continue to do what I did in Puerto Rico as an influencer, content creator, social media manager and digital strategist. I was managing a few projects from PR in NY and they were successfully accomplished. I’m now more focused on my personal projects and creating content/managing social media for a fashion & beauty brand in NYC.

I love New York City! There’s just so much to see and do! Though I’m not going to lie…the crime does scare me a bit but don’t worry this petite latina is always on the lookout ready to fight and defend herself.
In every corner of the city you’ll find a perfect instagram photo moment like this beautiful flower cart.

When it comes to my love life…..dating is a lot harder in NY than I thought it would be. I’m also not really putting myself out there too much but it kind seems that men here have the same goals as the men in Puerto Rico, no commitment and just a fun time. That’s definitely not the type of woman I am. Though I’ve got to say there are many more great options here, especially in NYC. I’m not into men that have no passion and are stuck in comfort zones. I love goal oriented, ambitious, passionate, supportive and driven men. I won’t settle for any man just not to be single. I need assurance. I’m content with my own company so the relationship better be as good or better than the relationship I have with myself.
Besides spending lots of time in NY I also visited Mohegan Sun in Connecticut for a Josh Gotham concert I was invited to. Honestly, I never really listened to his music before but wow that night I became a fan. He puts on a great show and his music is amazing. While at Mohegan Sun I ate at Tao. It’s delicious I fully recommend it.

Now onto another road trip, this time to Pennsylvania to see the show “David” at Sight & Sound Theatre. This show completely blew me away. It was just spectacular. It’s a must see.

On this trip I also visited an Amish town. One day I would love to interview an Amish family, learn about them and know how they can live the way they do in our modern world. Funny story; while at a restaurant there were some Amish teens staring at me and acting in awe as if they never saw a woman before. It was so hilarious because they literally acted like little schools boys with a crush. It was so cute.

So, I’ll end part 1 of my life in New York series here. Say tuned for part two with a lot more chisme.
Be Lovely, Be You
Charlene Gonzalez