The Fourth of July is kind of a big deal for me and if you’ve followed me on the blog for a while you know that I was passionate about celebrating it even though I lived in Puerto Rico, and it wasn’t really a big holiday that was celebrated in the island. One of the things I missed the most was celebrating Independence Day in New York…..the fireworks, barbecues and pool parties. This year that changed because after 17 years I got to celebrate in NY.

So, I officially got my dose of the red, white and blue patriotism I missed. The first thing I checked off the list was seeing my old towns fireworks. It was nice to see everyone united to witness this firework show. I’m going to be honest….it didn’t impress me as much as it did years ago. But I’m sure that’s because after you witness Disney parks fireworks show nothing can top that and its hard to be impressed. Nevertheless, it was incredible to relive and experience Haverstraw Fireworks.

Changing the routine, instead of a pool party or barbeque on July 4th I visited a local park; Haverstraw Bay Park. I think it was the perfect day for this visit not only because the weather was amazing but because this park has various memorials that honors residents who lost their lives on 9/11 and the war. The horror lived on September 11th, 2001, is something no New Yorker will ever forget. Two of the most traumatizing moments of my life have been what I experienced on 9/11 in NY and during/after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Two historical events that left behind a lot of pain and disaster but have shown me the power of unity and resilience.

Today is a perfect day to remember and honor the historical events and those who’ve lost their lives to give us the opportunity to live in freedom. Wherever you are and no matter how you celebrated I hope you had an amazing 4th of July. Happy Birthday America!
Be Lovely, Be You
Charlene Gonzalez