10 years today I published this blog. Wow, I can’t believe it’s been a full decade of Lovely Chicas. As I write this post so many overwhelming memories fill my mind, and I can’t help but cry. When I created Lovely Chicas I knew nothing about blogging but I made it my mission to learn because I wanted to create something special that not only would inspire but leave a legacy. Many already know this story but if not, I’ll repeat it. Before Publishing Lovely Chicas it took me 2 years of internal conflict with myself. When you let the fear of failure or what others may think of you overcome what you want to accomplish you become your own worst enemy. I’m thankful I didn’t let that negativity control me because creating Lovely Chicas will always be the best decision I’ve ever made.

Within these ten years I’ve lived through so much; heartbreaks, endless uncertainties, family drama, economic hardships, cancer scares, betrayals, many tears, ups and down and many moments I wanted to give up. With a lot of pride, peace, joy, and happiness in my heart I can honestly say I’m grateful for all those negative moments because they made me into the empowering, independent, fearless, self-made and strong woman I am today. Most importantly the good has always been greater than the bad.

This may sound cliché, but I’m amazed with all I’ve accomplished through Lovely Chicas because the opportunities have been endless.
Seriously, who would have ever thought that this timid, shy, introverted girl would create a platform speaking her mind about things many fear sharing. Not to mention that I’ve been nominated for various awards, a panelist and speaker at major events, an ambassador for incredible initiatives, I’ve worked with hundreds of brands, I’ve been featured on billboards, magazines, and many media outlets. I’ve also had the opportunity to do what I love which is to inspire and help others in need by visiting shelters, children’s hospitals and giving teen conferences at schools.

Within my trajectory I’m constantly asked how to create a blog or be an influencer because many have that desire but are scared to go for it. If you’re reading this and can relate…. stop wasting time and go for it. I wasted 2 years in fear and doubt before publishing Lovely Chicas when this platform has been the best part of my life. Stop putting excuses and don’t give into your fears. Don’t even wait for the “perfect moment” because the “perfect moment” doesn’t exist. The moment is NOW. This can be the decision that will change your life forever and bring the best. If you fail, its ok, just try again and don’t give up. Believe me, you all have it much easier now than when I did when I began. My journey started when blogging was just beginning and I’m part of the content creators who has fought to gain the respect and benefits many can enjoy today. Trust me, if this is your dream start your legacy and ignore the negativity. Be consistent, creative, dedicated, persistent, willing to learn and ready to sacrifice a lot. Most importantly be authentic; be you! This digital world is yours to conquer.
For those who have supported the legacy of Lovely Chicas, thank you. I don’t even know where to begin expressing my gratitude because without your support nothing I’ve accomplished would have been possible. I truly Love you all! There is still so much more I want to accomplish and I’m greatly looking forward towards more years to come with Lovely Chicas and a greater journey. This legacy means everything to me, I will continue to work hard in my mission to empower and inspire. I want to be a voice for those who don’t have one and that I may be be light, hope and love in this world that’s need so much of it. My desire is for everyone to be a part of this mission, especially the ladies because we are all Lovely Chicas.
My loves, be ready because in celebration of Lovely Chicas 10th Blogiversary there will be lots of surprises all month long.
Be Lovely, Be you
Charlene Gonzalez