As I write this birthday post I honestly can’t believe the fact that I’m 38 and the 40s are creeping in. What’s even crazier is that I don’t feel my age. I feel like I were still in my twenties, though at times a few body aches remind me of my age. I’m beyond blessed to celebrate another year are life.
Each year on my birthday I spend some time reflecting on my journey, achievements, everything I’m grateful for, and I set new intentions. I’m always amazed at how much life changes in a year. It’s not always easy and not aways pretty but some of our hardest life lessons can only be learned through pain and change.
Year 37 taught me so many great life lessons. One of the biggest life lessons I learned this year is that nothing is permanent, everything changes, and God’s plans are bigger than mine. We may have many plans, but God’s purpose is greater. If we let it, life has a way of distracting us from God. Even at times I would wonder if God was hearing my prayers, and He has always showed up letting me know He is in control always protecting me, guiding me, filling me with peace, joy and love. I’m so grateful for everything God has done in my life and everything He is doing. As I enter this new year of life all I want is more of God.
I’m excited to live this new chapter releasing the past and embracing the future.
Be Lovely, Be You
Charlene Gonzalez