Here we are celebrating yet another blogiversary and I couldn’t feel more blessed for these past 11 years. Every anniversary I like to reflect on everything I’ve accomplished. This blog has been the best experience of my life and it has offered opportunities I used to only dream of. When I first launched Lovely Chicas my goal and purpose was clear, I wanted a platform where I could be myself, inspire and motivate others. Through my love for fashion and beauty I wanted to share outfits in a creative way while spreading a message of self-love and motivation. In a world where superficiality reigned, I wanted to be an authentic voice. My goal was for women to love themselves just as they are; fashion has nothing to do with the style, labels, or your physical appearance, it’s about expressing and feeling good about yourself.
Have these past 11 years been easy? Of course not! No one can imagine the struggles and the times that I’ve wanted to give up. I began this blog while being a full-time college student, working full-time, living on my own and struggling to survive but I hustled through. I always find myself facing a new struggle, but I know that the purpose God has given me through Lovely Chicas is bigger than me. Nothing is ever easy, and I can assure you that the blessings have been greater. Though I’ve accomplished a lot from being nominated for many awards, working with over 100 brands, being on magazine covers, billboards, TV and radio, my greatest satisfaction and achievement has been to inspire lives. The best moment of my entire blogging and influencer journey will always be when a follower reached out to tell me that they didn’t commit suicide because of a personal life story I shared. Even all the messages I receive from people telling me they’ve been motivated to follow their goals makes all this worth it.
Even though I may have lost my social media accounts I have not lost the essence or purpose of Lovely Chicas. No matter the adversities I will never give up, that phrase does not exist in my vocabulary. I’m unstoppable and fully committed to my purpose.
I wanted to share a few life lessons I’ve learned these past 11 years:
-Face your fears and step out of your comfort zone. Trust me you’ll be surprised at what you’ll achieve.
-Life is short and time is the one thing we can’t replenish so live your life intentionally and with purpose.
-Don’t compare yourself to others. We all have a unique purpose and different timelines in life.
-Don’t live up to other’s expectations. Focus on your own values and goals.
-Everything will work out, just trust God.
-Fame, money, material possessions, social media followers, relationships and success will NEVER give you real happiness or peace. They are momentary pleasures that you can easily loose. Real love, hope and peace only comes from God.
On another note, though I haven’t been very consistent on the blog as I should I promise that I’m working on a project that will make up for it. It’s a passion project. I’m putting all my love and dedication into just like I did with this blog. The best part is that it’s inspired by God just like Lovely Chicas so I can 100% assure you all it’s going to be good.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has supported me throughout the years. Your constant love and support have been essential in making Lovely Chicas successful and for that I am very grateful. I love you all very much!
Be Lovely, Be You
Charlene Gonzalez