Hello, my loves! So I’ve been in Florida visiting my family. Living in Puerto Rico and having my family so far away from me has been very difficult. Its especially harder having my sister and best friend miles away across the ocean. Even though she’s just a call away its not the same. Don’t know if anyone will understand but my sister and I are very close. Its funny how growing up we would argue a lot and did not have much in common but as teens and adults we became inseparable. No matter what difficult situations we face we know we have each other.

When I can visit her in Florida I try to spend as much time with her as possible. On my last trip in 2019 pre-pandemic, we focused our time on visiting every Disney park but this trip was more about family time. During this trip my sister and brother-in- law took me to the beautiful and magical town of St. Augustine.
St. Augustine is known to be the oldest established town in the United States, it was founded in 1565. This little town holds a lot of culture and fabulous historical structures. The city reminded me of Old San Juan in Puerto Rico especially its iconic fort “Castillo de San Marcos” which resembles “El Morro” in PR.

If you’re ever in Florida be sure to stop by St. Augustine.

Be you, Be Lovely
Charlene Gonzalez