I’m guilty of being a latecomer to the Friends fandom. If there’s something I regret in life is assuming I won’t like or do something and holding on to that belief has held me back from enjoying earlier on things I love today like pizza with pineapple, K-Dramas, K-pop, matcha, veggies, anime and Friends. My life lesson learned….NEVER SAY NEVER!
Here’s a little backstory; I knew Friends was a hit sitcom and I would watch minimal parts of an episode here and there but for some reason I could never give in to the phenomenon. I would always stay away from watching the show. My sister had been a fan and would constantly urge me to watch the show because she knew I’d fall in love. It wasn’t until 2020 during the pandemic, thanks to the endless free time, that I gave in and began to binge watch Friends.
As we know, the pandemic was a very difficult and depressing time which paused our lives from our “normal” routines. Our lives were shaken, and everything was halted. For me as an active successful blogger and content creator it really affected me. Everything was canceled and being a single independent woman, the drastic change caused me a lot of anxiety and depression.
As I struggled to reinvent myself and get use to the change, I found myself having too much spare time so besides the extreme organizing and decluttering of my home, starting new projects and running out of shows to stream I gave into my sister’s request and began to watch Friends.
I literally watched all 10 seasons and 236 episodes back-to-back non-stop and immediately became obsessed. I may be exaggerating but I can say watching the show during the pandemic was life changing; it even got me out of depression. Till’ this day if I ever feel down, I make sure to pray to God and watch Friends.
Friends is so entertaining and hilarious it puts me in the best of moods. Through K-drama’s and Friends I’ve discovered a sense of escapism from stress.
So, as a fan of the show I had been really looking forward to visiting the Friends Experience in NYC. If your clueless to what The Friends Experience is its basically an exhibit showcasing set recreations, photo ops, costumes and props from the show. It’s an “OH! MY! GAWD!” incredibly memorable experience where you get to, enjoy iconic Friends scenes like: “Pivot!”, the apartments, the famous orange sofa, Central Perk and more! If you’re a Friends fan, I definitely recommend you go and enjoy this iconic experience.
Charlene Gonzalez
Be You, Be Lovely