So, here’s another life update. I enjoy sharing these life update posts. I have always been outspoken about being real, authentic, and honest so, creating this special content allows me to share more about the blogger behind the screen. Superficiality is something I have always condemned and though I share many fashion and beauty tips, celebrating self-love and empowerment have always been my main priorities. Though it may be difficult I also like being vulnerable by sharing my own struggles, experiences, and stories.
That being said, within a few weeks it will be my 37th birthday and the 1 full year of having moved back to New York. Those two factors have truly had me deep inside my feelings. I won’t deny that I’ve cried a lot. Being back in New York has brought me so much peace and happiness though it hasn’t been an easy process. Let’s be real, nothing really is, especially when you leave the life you built in another place to start over somewhere else. It’s a slow transitional process but it has been a great one.

Moving back to New York I decided to start over and it is what I’ve done and really needed. In a previous post I had mentioned that this past year my family and I had been facing a very difficult situation. That situation truly broke me down and I was losing myself in overwhelming stress, anxiety, and depression. Life started to get blurry and I needed to find myself. Being in New York I was able to reconnect with myself again but above all I found peace.
A friend of mine recently told me, “I can’t believe you literally left your life in Puerto Rico behind; you were a famous blogger over there, with many brand deals and contracts.” Though that may be true I’d make the same decision again in a heartbeat. My life needed a change from that chaos it was in, and I know that God has so many greater things in store for me here in New York. If I’m even more honest Puerto Rico was a very difficult place to find progress though I have had success and great opportunities there. Having been born and raised in New York I could never truly adapt to the lifestyle in Puerto Rico. Let’s be real, life is kind of chaotic over there with the corrupted government, minimal opportunities, constant electrical outages, hurricane threats ( I still have major PTSD because of hurricane Maria). If there is one thing about me is that I’m not a conformist, I have big goals and I wanted to strive for more. I’m very focused on growing my business and I knew I had to spread my wings and come back to my hometown in NY.
Whew……., that was a lot. Now on to another topic, so being in New York I began to get obsessed with K-dramas. It’s literally all I watch. I currently finished Navillera, 20th Century Girl, Move To Heaven and I’m rewatching Start Up. I highly recommend them. A non K-Drama series that’s a must see is “From Scratch”… this series had me crying in every episode.
The fall weather this season has been amazing. In New York we’ve been enjoying upper 60-degree weather which has allowed me to wear a lot of cute outfits. I was literally packing away my summer clothes, but this weather has let me continue to wear short denim skirts. I’ll be enjoying this weather to the maximum because I am not a fan of the cold winter.
Can’t forget to mention I’m working on a secret project which I’m taking my time on. I hope to share it soon but I want to put my entire dedication on it and make it very special so I’m flowing with inspiration and creativity. It will be worth the wait, I promise.
I’m going to end this post here. I’m looking forward to sharing more updates with you all.
Be Lovely, Be You
Charlene Gonzalez