Tag Archives puerto rico

Meeting CNCO / Conociendo a CNCO

Meeting CNCO / Conociendo a CNCO

If you follow me on social media you already may know that I interviewed and attended…

Galentine’s Day Brunch

Galentine’s Day Brunch

It’s great to celebrate Valentine’s Day and love and all, but being honest I’m not a…

Tropical Winter

Tropical Winter

Living on a tropical island is a fantasy to many but a reality to me. Puerto…

Influencer Getaway At Holiday Inn Express

Influencer Getaway At Holiday Inn Express

I began the year with a local getaway at one of my favorite neighborhoods in Puerto Rico,…

This is 33

This is 33

Being in my thirties was a thought that used to terrify me. Funny enough I’ve never…

Joy by Dior

Joy by Dior

What I love the most about having this blog is getting to share everything I’m passionate…